Wall Mounted Exterior Lights for Your Home or Business

The best lighting fixtures for your home will depend on how much light you need, where you plan to install them, and whether you prefer warm or cool colors.

Choose from a variety of styles.

You can choose from a wide range of wall mounted exterior lights, including traditional pendants, flush mount fixtures, recessed downlights, and more. These fixtures come in a variety of shapes and sizes, so you can find one that fits perfectly with your décor.

Install them yourself.

Installing wall mounted exterior lights is as simple as hanging them up! Most fixtures come with instructions, and you can usually install them by following these steps:

  1. Measure the height of the ceiling where you plan to hang the fixture.
  2. Determine how far apart you want the light bulbs to be spaced.
  3. Attach the mounting bracket to the ceiling using screws.
  4. Hang the fixture from the bracket.
  5. Plug in the light bulb(s).
  6. Adjust the light until it's just right.
  7. Enjoy your new lighting!

Choose the Right Type of Light.

There are several different types of exterior lights available, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Here are some things to consider when choosing the type of light you need:

  • Size: You'll want to choose a size that will fit well within your budget and meet your needs. If you're looking for something small and portable, choose a battery operated light. If you're looking to illuminate large areas, choose a larger model.
  • Location: Will you use the light outside at night or only during the day? Do you want to illuminate a walkway or driveway? How much light do you need?
  • Functionality: What kind of functionality do you want? Are you looking for motion activated lights? Or do you want to turn on the light automatically when you enter the house?
  • Style: Is there a particular style you prefer? Do you want a sleek modern design or a more traditional look?

Add Some Lighting Effects.

Adding lighting effects to your wall mounted exterior lights can make them even more attractive. These effects can range from simple to complex. Simple effects might include changing the color of the light bulb or using a dimmer switch. More complex effects might involve creating a custom animation sequence.